Getting There
Wanyari is located at 6 Euenmundi Court, Orchid Beach, Fraser Island
Fraser Island is located North of Rainbow Beach and East of Hervey Bay in Queensland, Australia. You can use Google Maps to explore the island and we’ve produced a map as a PDF for you so that you can find the property once you get to the island.
Of course, a 4WD is essential for getting around on Fraser Island as travel on the island is on sandy tracks and the beach. If you need to hire one there are plenty of hire places in Rainbow Beach, Hervey Bay, the Sunshine Coast, etc. We also recommend buying a detailed map of the island.
You will need to get a permit to travel on the island. These can be obtained online through www.parks.des.qld.gov.au or from a National Parks office.
Barges from Inskip Point
There is no need to book these barges as they run continually back and forth between about 6.30am and 5.00pm. We use the locally owned green Manta Ray; www.mantarayfraserislandbarge.com.au Phone 07 5486 3935 or 0418 872 599 or UHF Channel 4.
Barges from Hervey Bay / River Heads
These barges run to a timetable and need to be booked in advance. For rates, bookings and timetables call 07 4194 9300 or 1800 227 437 or have a look at www.fraserislandferry.com.au
You may access Fraser Island from either Rainbow Beach to the south or Hervey Bay and River Heads to the west. Before beginning your journey, check the tide times -(available for Waddy Point, Fraser Island at the Bureau of Meteorology website). It is safest and most comfortable to travel up the Island within 2 hours either side of low tide while there is as much hard beach as possible and lower drop-offs at creek margins.
From Rainbow Beach / Inskip Point ask the barge attendant whether you can get around Hook Point (not usually a problem at low tide) and if not, take the inland track to Dilli Village and the eastern beach. Once you’re on the island, allow up to 2 hours to get up to Orchid Beach. Follow the eastern beach all the way to Indian Head, take the bypass track around it, follow the next small beach along and take the track veering left up past Middle Rocks, following this track for approximately 6km into Orchid Beach.
Directions once you get to Orchid Beach
You will reach a “T” intersection when you have arrived at Orchid Beach. Turn left and keep going straight past the turn to the shop. Turn right into Eliza Ave and follow to Wathumba Road. Turn left into Wathumba Road and then take the next left into Euenmundi Court. Wanyari is on the left at 6 Euenmundi Court and uses two driveways.
Driving tips
Road rules apply on the beach and tracks and are policed. Always keep to the left and use your indicator if there is any confusion. Drive slowly past children and fishermen as they may not hear your car. Watch carefully for creeks as the drop offs at the edges can be dangerous. Particluarly take care at Eli Creek. The crossing at Indian Head usually requires a bit of a run up. Look out for pedestrians. Its a good idea to follow other tyre tracks where possible. Lower your tyre pressure to 15 - 20psi and you are a lot less likely to get bogged
What to bring
Sheets, pillow cases, towels.
All food and drinks. As well as your groceries, bring everything you will need to cook with, eg, salt and pepper, oil, sauces, herbs/ spices, tea, coffee, sugar. Also bring extras like cling wrap, foil, paper towel, toilet paper. Don’t forget the lemon if you intend on catching plenty of fish.
Wine, beer, etc (limited alcohol available at Orchid beach shop & bar).
Cleaning products are provided.
Copyright 2007-2015 - Wanyari Residential Accommodation, Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia